Category Archives: Transport

Pedestrians, Bicycles & Cars

I think that the first cities where designed by and for pedestrians, these cities were walkable and made for being occupied. Now, these cities are a nightmare for drivers.


After the invention and democratisation of cars, the design of cities has been subjugated to this machine. Cities are designed and modified in order to become car-friendly; and people, meaning pedestrians or cyclists, have been relegated.

The future (or actual) energy crisis will be a great opportunity to reconquer the city and start designing for people again. We need public spaces designed to be used and reconnect communities.

Apparently, cyclists have started already in New York. This NY Times article shows how NY city has lots of problems with accidents and how car speed is directly related to deaths in streets.

Deaths in Manhattan.
Deaths in Manhattan.

These deaths are produced for the collision of the car-friendly city with the most ancient ways of transport in urban areas. The speed of vehicles as well as the poor education of drivers towards the priority of pedestrians and cyclist versus cars is what is causing these accidents.

Now we need our governments and councils to act in order to transform our cities in more anthropocentric ones. We need to be re-educated in the respect for the citizens and its more fragile ways of transport around the city. We need spaces to move and stay safely.

Walkable and cycleable city in Minorca
Walkable and cycleable city in Minorca

Oxford Street

Apparently Oxford Street is in decadency. In fact in almost two years that I have been living in Sydney, I have been there only once.

That happens in every city, some areas of the city loose activity and others gain it. But is it a ‘natural’ process or is it due to the actual tendency of business model?

Apparently the opening of the Westfield shopping center coincides with the closing of a huge amount of small shops and other business.

In a sustainable city we have to take into account not only energy, water or waste but the life within neighborhoods and their small economic activities that enrich the urban environment.
Cities are complex and the repercussions of economic decisions can affect in a degree as ‘killing’ an entirely neighborhood.

Retrofitting Suburbia

About 50% of the population of Earth is living in urban areas and the forecast for 2050 grows til 70%. On the other hand lots of cities have spread out in low density models that are not sustainable any more (they never were) but, moreover, they will be unlivable when the energetic crises occur.

How to improve all the spread suburbs is going to be one of the main issues in the following years and this video presents solutions applied already in Atlanta that can be an example to follow in similar situations. Increasing the density of the areas in the suburbs close to public transport is one of the solutions to make the actual model more efficient.

Not only is needed a more dense residential but the introduction of a mixed of uses in each node. I imagine a radial structure based on the train lines supported by concentric links by, maybe, bus lines when the train is not available. The train stations would be great nodes or smaller nodes where offices, retail and social activities would take place. And these nodes would be surrounded first by a high or medium residential ring (with a commercial ground floor) and then the existing low dense residential.

This model would be a better model than the actual, for example in Sydney, but it is a model that can not be repeated until the infinite. We need to stop the urban sprawl, we need to stop the population growth, we need wild nature, space for agriculture, rural landscapes.

Goofy and the City

Curious first 1:30 minutes…

How since the ’40s the model was already creating problems.

The American model of spreaded city based on the personal transport and its individualistic lifestyle has had too much weight in this easily influenced world.

Nowadays this fruitless model is widespread and it is time to start fixing it.