The Earth is full

We are too many millions of people consuming, as Paul Gilding states, ‘The earth is full’.

The population growth is greater in the developing countries.

The ecological footprint is greater in the developed ones.

A domestic cat in Europe has a bigger footprint that a person in Africa.

It is so unfair to pretend that people on the developing world should apply sustainable models when the developed one is doing nothing.

Countries in Europe are moving backwards in terms of equity, welfare state, rights,…

This is a nonsense.

I think that the problem is so holistic that the approach should be holistic as well. Alex Steffen claims for a sustainable design that it is socially engaged. I think that we have already got past the environmental approach, we have to take the social part of sustainability into consideration.

At the end of the day everything is linked. A sustainable society lives in sustainable places in a sustainable way.



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