Category Archives: Green Star

Green Star

For some time now I have been reading and listening different complains about rating tools. Some say that their point system is influenced by different lobbies (a kind legal corruption?) and some scholars argue that they have a big deficiency in assessing passive design and other problems.

I believe that they have been a good first step, a tool that general people can use and apply but, now that I am dealing at work with the process of Green Star, I really think that it has become a huge business. I do not remember the actual data but just to register a building to be assessed you have to pay tens of thousands of dollar. That is insane.

Also, the majority of the systems assessed are related to energy consumption (nothing new), so to achieve a good rating it is necessary to work hard with the engineers and convince them that a passive solution is a good solution and that, for instance, it can reduce the amount of HVAC needed.

I think that working side by side with all the consultants is a really good thing, but I am really disappointed for Green Star after dealing with it.